Google Ads

We Attracted New Patients at $50 a Head with Dental Pay-Per-Click Advertising

The amount of money you have to spend to generate a phone call, email, chat message or some other opportunity to connect with a prospective patient is called the cost per lead (CPL) in your marketing campaign. The problem is that dentists don’t usually know what the cost per lead of their campaign is [...]

How to Get More New Dental Patients Online

Getting more new dental patients online is almost always doable. If your online marketing isn’t yielding new patient phone calls and emails in the quantity or quality that you want, and you’re wondering if more online visibility is possible, here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients that make Pro Impressions Marketing so successful at [...]

How Much Should Dentists Spend on Pay-Per-Click?

Investing in marketing is a lot like buying a house, unless you’re a marketer, or real estate agent, you might not understand what goes into the pricing. For real estate, it’s pretty simple. The home value is based on square footage, neighborhood, specific features, and other property values in the neighborhood. On the flip [...]

Debunking Pay-Per-Click Questions for Dentists

Over the years, I’ve occasionally talked with dentists who share some commonly held beliefs about that have kept them from launching Google Ads and other paid search strategies. They’ve had bad experiences with ads and are worried that, if they try Google Ads again, it’ll be a big waste of money. Unfortunately, [...]

Local Dental Office Impressions Matter More

My clients and I have something in common: we tend to focus on the end goal of new patients to their practice. For a long time, this was something that organic visibility did a great job of achieving. You built a great website, filled it with great content, and Google would almost do the [...]

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