Here we go again. And no, you aren’t experiencing some sort of SEO deja vu. Google has added another search engine advancement to its extensive repertoire. Is it a bird? Is it a plane?! No – it’s more social media influence regarding your Google search.

How does this impact online marketing for dentists? In short? Substantially. You just have to play your social media cards right.

It’s All About Perspective, Literally

Google’s new Perspectives search filter was recently unveiled for mobile, and the Google app, and the search engine giant has once again given us a fresh take on how we surf (and search) the web. It may pop up within your Google search filters within the next few weeks. 

Google perspectives search filter example


The Perspectives search filter provides a more interactive set of search results  – through a section of relevant social media posts – to help you see things from a different angle or perspective on said search. The Perspectives search filter may include videos from YouTube or posts from Instagram or Twitter to gather various information from different sources. 

Google perspectives search filter example for Springs in Florida
Google perspectives search filter example for Springs in Florida

If your practice has a solid social media presence, online marketing for dentists may become more profitable for you.

Work That Social Media Magic

Social media has transformed how we talk to each other – and how we communicate with our patients. Google’s Perspectives search filter features the most liked, commented, and shared (thus, reputable) posts about the topic. Increasing your practice’s social media traffic (and excelling at online marketing for dentists) doesn’t have to be terrifying. Here are some simple tips:

Be consistent. It’s a no-brainer! Post regularly, and respond to patients when they interact with your social media accounts.

Show your stuff. It’s about quantity and quality. Be sure to highlight the extensive experience of your dentists and the latest dental technology used at your office. You’re the best – don’t be afraid to show it!

Build a sense of community. Patients love seeing your human side beyond the dentist’s chair. Post a picture of your office staff enjoying dinner out on the town or supporting a local fundraiser. Bonus points – this also helps to boost your local SEO!

Time to Take Social Media by Storm

If online marketing for dentists was a hurricane, your social media should be a category 5. Are you ready to blow it out of the water and watch ideal patient leads swim to shore – i.e., your dental practice? At Pro Impressions, we aren’t scared of a little rain. Occasionally, we even like to dance in it.

The Pro Impressions Marketing Pro Membership provides a social media package to make your practice shine. Call (970) 672-1212 or make an appointment online.