Dental Sleep Medicine focuses on diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, particularly obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), through oral appliance therapy and other dental interventions. By collaborating with sleep specialists, dentists can provide effective solutions that improve patients’ sleep quality and overall health. These treatments offer a comfortable alternative to CPAP machines, allowing for better compliance. Educating patients on the link between oral health and sleep disorders enhances awareness, making dental sleep medicine an essential service for comprehensive patient care and wellness.
00;00;00;02 – 00;00;23;11
Jason Tierney
Are you a dentist that’s dabble in dental sleep medicine and then bailed on it? Then this podcast is for you. You need to watch this episode first. You’re going to find out what does it work, what does work, and how you can go forth, change lives and make a bunch of money doing it here on marketing chair Side.
00;00;23;13 – 00;00;31;23
Welcome to the Marketing Chair Side Podcast by Pro Impressions Marketing, where the team covers a variety of dental marketing ideas to help you attract.
00;00;31;25 – 00;00;39;12
More new patients in the quantity and quality you need. To grow your practice.
00;00;39;15 – 00;00;59;19
Jonathan Fashbaugh
So welcome today. Thanks for joining us. I’ve got a great guest on today who, like me, surrounds himself with brilliant people and fills us head with brilliant ideas. And I wanted him on the show today to share some of that brilliance that he’s collected. So Jason Tierney, welcome to the marketing chair side.
00;00;59;21 – 00;01;01;22
Jason Tierney
Thank you, Jonathan. Great to be here.
00;01;01;22 – 00;01;27;19
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I wanted you on the show for a couple of different reasons. One is just that your organization, Transform Dental Sleep, obviously has a lot to do with dental and sleep sort of way. But also just I feel like your career, your ambition is to improve lives with learning and connection in some way, shape or form. And that’s also my drive in doing what we do at Pro Impressions Marketing.
00;01;27;26 – 00;01;35;06
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And so it just made sense to me, like, I’ve got to get this man on the podcast. My expectation, Jason, if you can, if you can fulfill that.
00;01;35;08 – 00;01;38;24
Jason Tierney
That’s my aim, is to fulfill your, to exceed your expectations.
00;01;38;24 – 00;02;09;10
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Jonathan But in all seriousness, that’s I love how your book transformed dental sleep, which I’m going to drill you on a few questions here in a minute. That’s one of the things I loved about it when I met you in person. I don’t know if it was for the first time or not, but ads and Philadelphia, I think you told me that, you know, you filled this with a lot of ideas that you learned from other places and it would be valuable even if I’m not a doctor.
00;02;09;17 – 00;02;33;02
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Somebody told me that. And I agree. Having finished this book, I thought it was funny because I was going to title this episode of Passion for Sleep. And then I read you said, There’s so much to learn, countless business development opportunities in this nation industry. However, sleep is not my passion.
00;02;33;04 – 00;02;34;27
Jason Tierney
Through story.
00;02;34;29 – 00;03;01;29
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Kind of buried the lead on asleep. But no, but you said I seek continual betterment for myself and those in my sphere of influence. And so, you know, that’s that’s what we’re hopefully going to do today. I wanted to run a story by you. I’ve got a client who long ago came to us with a sleep website, and then over time his interest in sleep lagged and eventually just decided, You know what, let’s just get rid of this.
00;03;02;02 – 00;03;25;21
Jonathan Fashbaugh
You know, it didn’t essentially say, I want to stop doing sleep, but he stopped focusing on it. I’ve had a couple other situations like that come up in my career, and it’s just like I see that again and again in this book. Do you feel like vision or like logistical details are the cause of that phenomenon?
00;03;25;23 – 00;03;51;18
Jason Tierney
That’s challenging to answer because it’s really both. But vision comes first, right? If we don’t know where we’re trying to go, you know the strategy. We don’t have that. If we don’t have our proverbial why, the tactics won’t matter. So it’s it’s really a failure to establish a vision and then articulate that to everyone else on the team.
00;03;51;20 – 00;04;04;04
Jason Tierney
I’d say that’s number one. And then second to that is that the lack of sort of tactical processes and protocols to make it work every day.
00;04;04;06 – 00;04;42;26
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Right? I think I mentioned above, but I don’t know if I verbalized the, the title for our podcast listeners is Transform Dental. Sleep is the name of the book and Jason’s organization and his meeting coming up is a Transform Dental Sleep symposium. We’re going to have links for all this good stuff, not because Jason is a sponsor of the podcast or anything, but because it’s good stuff that honestly, I am legit thinking about getting a copy of this for certainly the leadership members of my team because it really kind of distills down a lot of different wisdom from different sources.
00;04;42;26 – 00;05;13;01
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And it does. It has the vision casting and the details that I believe doctors and office managers and sleep champions need in order to be successful. So it’s like a cookbook and inspirational book sounds fluffy, but I believe there’s a lot of useful stuff in here without it being heavy. It’s inspirational, without being fluff. And what I loved about it is there is a lot of kind of irreverent material and yet it’s very relevant.
00;05;13;01 – 00;05;23;03
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And I think it’s tough love that doctors need. I love it. I think that you did a fantastic job. I’ll just use this transcription for my Amazon review.
00;05;23;06 – 00;05;57;15
Jason Tierney
Are here right now. I really appreciate that. And you know a lot of what you just said, Jonathan, is, is what I was I was seeking to accomplish. You know, I wanted to give actionable information. I wanted to, you know, a lot of the book you sort of alluded to this, it’s it’s really derivative. It’s, you know, all these things that I’ve read, these courses, I’ve gone to, you know, my life experiences, distilled, you know, through through synthesize through, you know, my my own brain and sharing that with with readers and it is irreverent.
00;05;57;15 – 00;06;22;17
Jason Tierney
I’m probably a little irreverent myself. And that comes out in the book. One of the things I’m most proud of as someone who fancies myself a writer, is that I heard from so many readers that I know personally that the book made them feel like it was just me talking to them. So I got my voice across, which, you know, I’m pretty.
00;06;22;20 – 00;06;44;27
Jason Tierney
I’m usually pretty straight up and pretty direct and that’s what I wanted to come through in the book because so many dentists are being sold nonsense by different companies in the field. They’re being sold dreams, and that’s just not real. It takes work, you know, it takes work to run pro impressions, to have a marketing company. All these things take work and there is no magic pill.
00;06;45;02 – 00;07;13;21
Jonathan Fashbaugh
That’s I mean, a huge part of it is just I think I yeah, I got that from your book too. I had never heard the alcoholics Anonymous. It works if you work at Acxiom, but that’s I feel like that’s just brilliance in such a tiny little nutshell. You know that’s where the logistics of details come in. And, you know, one of the things you also bring to the table is webinars that I was checking out some of the recent ones.
00;07;13;21 – 00;07;35;03
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I’m like, there is a lot of nuts and bolts stuff here that if you don’t have the vision and the stick to intuitiveness to make it work, then like, yeah, that that’s not going to be what you need right now in order to jump start your your practice or to turn the corner and actually keep sleep treatment as part of your process.
00;07;35;07 – 00;07;58;05
Jonathan Fashbaugh
One of the things you said in your book is if someone is looking for doing it for the money, then you said that they should look as another revenue stream. Get on to the clear aligner, but don’t we have to have dental sleep treatment be profitable in order to transform it and make it mainstream in dentistry and in the world in general?
00;07;58;08 – 00;08;24;13
Jason Tierney
Absolutely. I mean, it’s funny you bring that up because dentists, so many dentists are interested in dental sleep medicine and they get into it. They attend a weekend course, they attend some webinars, whatever it might be. And you know, you see some of these dentists again, again meeting after meeting year after year, and eventually they quit and everyone gets into it because they have this healthy sense of altruism.
00;08;24;13 – 00;08;47;13
Jason Tierney
They want to help their patients, they care about people, they care about their community, but they quit. And the reason they quit, they cite all these different reasons. But but the reality is they quit because they don’t make money. It has to be profitable. And what I’d really like to see is more dentists talking about how profitable dental sleep can be.
00;08;47;15 – 00;09;22;07
Jason Tierney
Now that that line from the book, what I’m really talking about is back to the vision. If you don’t have it, if you’re a dentist and you’re not committed to doing this for what I’ll call the right reasons, you know, a healthy sense of altruism, it’s the standard of care. You care about your patients. If you’re not committed to that, you will not be able to endure the challenges involved in implementing dental sleep medicine in a meaningful way with clear aligners you know, I mean, you can make a bunch of money and it’s it’s pretty easy.
00;09;22;14 – 00;09;58;03
Jason Tierney
You don’t deviate much from the standard protocols in your practice already. It’s just a different procedure. Dental sleep medicine is different. It is rife with challenges. It does take time, it does take commitment. But the rewards, both financially and I would say altruistically, are second to none. And I know dentists that have dental sleep practices that are in the eight figures and collections that’s non-production and collections every year.
00;09;58;03 – 00;10;00;26
Jason Tierney
So it’s possible that they can do it, you can do it, it can be done.
00;10;00;29 – 00;10;21;06
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And speaking of like what you’ve done, this is not just posture lation. Jason has been in sleep and in dentistry for decades, has worked in dental practices, has run dental sleep, software company. This is from experience, right? This isn’t just theoretical knowledge or share.
00;10;21;09 – 00;10;47;01
Jason Tierney
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, yeah, I’ve been doing it for, for almost 20 years in a bunch of different capacities, like you mentioned, And I’ve worked with literally, literally thousands of dentists over the last 18, 20 years. And, and also just full disclosure, I mean, my wife owns a dental practice with three offices in the Phenix area, and they’re killing it.
00;10;47;04 – 00;11;19;28
Jason Tierney
They’re helping a ton of people, a ton of people and making a bunch of money doing it. And that’s as it should be, helping people. What is the Benjamin Franklin quote doing good by doing? Well, I think that’s what it is like. Yeah, you can make a bunch of money by helping people. And you should you this shouldn’t be charity, but you’ve got to have systems, processes, protocols and commitment and be willing to endure the grit and grind initially until those systems and processes are smoothed out.
00;11;20;00 – 00;11;23;12
Jason Tierney
And you can do this fairly seamlessly, then.
00;11;23;15 – 00;11;48;08
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Yeah, I mean, not every dental practice is the same. So that implementation, unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a great, you know, dental sleep practice in a box system that you can just sign up for. There are components of it that I think can bring a lot of the the headaches to a manageable level. Sure. But yeah, just from from what I’ve seen, I think that’s tough.
00;11;48;11 – 00;12;11;29
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I don’t know if you can answer this next question I have, but how can marketers help their docs improve their case acceptance? You know, because we all want to help our offices grow by generating more leads. But I feel like that’s not always the challenge in sleep. It’s getting patients to say yes. Is there anything that marketers specifically can do?
00;12;12;01 – 00;12;41;14
Jason Tierney
Yeah, I think that marketers like Pro Impressions. I mean, anything that you can do? Well, actually, you know what? I’m going to give you a quick plug, if you don’t mind. You all do a really good job with with content marketing. You do a great job sharing truly valuable information with dentists. And one of the things that I see you all talk about a fair amount and just what I would expound on is helping them with communications so impressions can make the phone ring right?
00;12;41;14 – 00;13;05;29
Jason Tierney
You do a great job with that. It’s then that person, that downstream effect, what happens with that person, how they answer the phone and how they talk to the patient? Right. What happens then? What is the conversation sound like with the treatment coordinator when they’re having a conversation with the patient about fees for treatment? All of those things, you know, I mean, even things like the decor in the office, right?
00;13;05;29 – 00;13;27;26
Jason Tierney
The music that’s playing in the office, A any anything that you can do that a marketing firm can do to help the practice once the phone gets picked up as a result of your marketing efforts. That’s where I think the biggest benefit that you can provide to the practice after you make the phone rate, that’s what it is.
00;13;27;28 – 00;14;12;22
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Kind of a third set of eyes to point out, You know, we’ve got a disconnect here. I think that’s that’s helpful and thanks for the plug. That’s that’s also helpful. Again, not a sponsor of marketing chair side. So I looked up another big name sleep meeting before we hopped on here and I looked up the transform Dental Sleep Symposium and Will will have a code or a link for registration to this because I feel like it’s I mean, it’s in its inaugural all year, so it’s like, you know, a little bit of an unknown for people, but people who investigate know you and check out the book.
00;14;12;22 – 00;14;28;25
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I just feel like it’s an amazing value. So Juno’s there because I feel like it’s going to be huge. Pitched me. Why should doctors invest their time and their money in coming down to Scottsdale for this meeting that they may know nothing about?
00;14;28;27 – 00;15;04;28
Jason Tierney
You just said part of it there, Scottsdale in February, but but beyond that, I’ve hosted hundreds of CTE courses over the years, maybe not hundreds, well over 100. And I hosted a large dental sleep symposium for for many years. And what we’ve done with the Transformed Dental Sleep Symposium is we’ve created a meeting with curated a roster of speakers that are electrifying, will provide actionable tips on topics that matter.
00;15;05;01 – 00;15;31;01
Jason Tierney
So many large sleep meetings, annual sleep meetings, and not to disparage them. I mean, it’s like a buffet. I mean, you can almost always find something edible there, right? Take what you want, leave the rest. But a lot of these meetings either focus on really scientific information and it’s presented by speakers that are used to lecturing in a classroom environment.
00;15;31;01 – 00;15;53;27
Jason Tierney
So they’re not especially energetic. And the information, a lot of that scientific information doesn’t it’s not very pragmatic. And the other and the other is sort of the other end of the sphere or the sphere, the other that doesn’t even make sense. The other end of the sphere. There is no end to experience this past year. Right, right, right.
00;15;53;27 – 00;16;20;00
Jason Tierney
So so at the other end, you have meetings that are hosted by commercial interests and once again, the buffet. I mean, there could be something good there. But those commercial meetings, they’re focused on selling you something, right? They have an ulterior motive at the Transform Dental Sleep Symposium. We have nothing to sell you. We don’t sell consulting to dentists or anything.
00;16;20;00 – 00;16;40;09
Jason Tierney
We don’t have a widget, We don’t have a product, we have a service. This is it. So we’re hosting this meeting. I don’t want to sound corny here, but we’re really hosting this meeting is we’re not making money on it, I promise you. You know, you have no idea how much these things cost. It’s ridiculous. We’re hosting this meeting to to give to this community.
00;16;40;11 – 00;17;12;07
Jason Tierney
You know, there is such an immense opportunity for dentists in dental sleep medicine, such an incredible opportunity, but so many dentists get into it, as we talked about earlier, and then they fail. Right? And they pay, they bail. And when they do that, it’s a disservice to their patients because they don’t get the treatment they need. It’s a disservice to practices because they don’t get the the income, the revenue, and it’s a disservice to to the profession because it’s not growing as it should.
00;17;12;10 – 00;17;36;05
Jason Tierney
So this meeting, we put this together, we created this speaker so that everyone is energetic. The topics are relevant, the information is actionable. And it’s you know, we brought together I mean, every time I post something on social media about this meeting, I look at this roster of speakers and panelists and I’m just like, whoa. I mean, it’s a who’s who.
00;17;36;07 – 00;18;01;03
Jason Tierney
We’ve got dentists, we’ve got sleep champions, we’ve got CEOs, EMT, sleep physicians. So there’s a pitch and a coach you told me to pitch. You didn’t tell me that we are riding to the top of the Sears Tower with that elevator pitch, but I think we just made it so you can register. I just one last piece that shout out, you register at TDs Symposium.
00;18;01;04 – 00;18;08;00
Jason Tierney
Dot com TDs is in Transform Dental Sleep t d s symposium dot com.
00;18;08;02 – 00;18;08;20
Jonathan Fashbaugh
00;18;08;20 – 00;18;09;18
Jason Tierney
Are you sold?
00;18;09;21 – 00;18;20;16
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I’m sold. I’m. I’m going to be there. Unfortunately people still equate sleep with CPAP and really don’t know about oral appliance therapy.
00;18;20;18 – 00;18;48;06
Jason Tierney
Jonathan Jonathan That’s the issue. I mean the key issue is awareness. You know, if you had to spend diagram right, and you’ve got and one you’ve got physicians and another you’ve got dentists and the other the final one, you got the public, the patients, you know, the overlap in the center would be a lack of awareness. Your physicians, most physicians don’t know much about sleep, right?
00;18;48;06 – 00;19;15;12
Jason Tierney
I mean, there’s only like 7500, I think, sleep physicians in the U.S. and physicians, generally speaking, get less education about sleep than dentists do. And dentists get almost nothing. Right. So physicians don’t know about sleep. Most dentists don’t know much about it. They don’t know how to talk to their patients about it, which devices they should use when, how to build medical, how to talk to patients about this in a meaningful way.
00;19;15;12 – 00;19;43;15
Jason Tierney
Any of that. And then patients, right. They don’t know that being tired at lunchtime isn’t normal. They know that getting up to use the restroom three times a night isn’t normal and that all these things could be attributable, potentially attributable to sleep disorder, breathing and then even if they do, as you alluded to, all they know about is probably is the CPAP, right.
00;19;43;15 – 00;20;12;07
Jason Tierney
So they don’t know that there’s a potential for a dentist to help. So the onus is on the dentist, I would say, to get educated and then help their patients learn about this. You know, and marketing is one great way to do that. You know, whether it’s in internal marketing, external marketing this or, you know, a combination of of the two of course would be the ideal, but the onus is on the dentists to to educate their community and that’s, that’s on them.
00;20;12;09 – 00;20;43;06
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I love a concept from Stephen Covey seven Habits of highly Effective People is looking for when when, when and by the way, again, not blind spot Jason’s not my boss or anything. I would equate this to like the dentist seven Habits of highly Effective People. And it’s kind of funny that again, it is just their similarities are funny because Stephen Curry in the beginning of his book, says none of these ideas are really mine.
00;20;43;06 – 00;21;06;29
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I’m just putting together for, you know, business people and you’re putting them together for dentists. But like I’m reading back through that book for the third time and when you get the audiobook version of this, Jason, I will do the same with your book. I’m sure reading back through that, he talked about win win win that you’re looking for situation where all parties involved are succeeding.
00;21;06;29 – 00;21;20;14
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And I see that with sleep. I mean, dentists have the opportunity to make it a win for their office, a win for the patient, and a win for I just lost the third one. But there’s two wins. I mean, that’s good.
00;21;20;17 – 00;21;43;19
Jason Tierney
Yeah, but I mean, it’s it’s a win for the patient, for their health. It’s a win for the people in that patient’s sphere. It’s it’s a win for the practice. It’s a win because, you know, they’re filling schedule, they’re generating some meaningful collections. It’s a win win win across the board. And I would say even beyond that. And I guess the third win would be, you know, it’s a win for the community, it’s a win for community health.
00;21;43;22 – 00;22;11;20
Jason Tierney
A lot of times, Jonathan, I hear dentists or just as people, we have this this desire to change the world, to do these grand things. Right. And you’re not going to. Right. I mean, you’re not going to what you can do, what a dentist can’t do is a dentist can change the way they think about what they’re doing with with sleep, right?
00;22;11;22 – 00;22;34;22
Jason Tierney
They can generate this vision, they can outlined path, they can delegate, execute, evaluate their progress, and then pivot as needed. I’ve mentioned that that acronym in the book go deep so they can do that. They could change the way they think, they could change the way they communicate with their teams, the way they communicate with physicians, the way they communicate with patients.
00;22;34;25 – 00;23;09;00
Jason Tierney
And as a result of that, they can change their practice. And by doing that, they change, you know, their community and that is their world. So in doing that, they have changed the world, you know, and there’s that ripple effect where those changes, you know, will change the, you know, the other communities as well. So there’s an author that I like whose name and I’m drawing a blank on right now, but he just wrote a new book called Shane Parrish Shane Parrish, a book called Clear Thinking.
00;23;09;00 – 00;23;41;17
Jason Tierney
But there’s there’s a quote that I like from him where he talks about I’m going to paraphrase it, but basically micro decisions and macro patients. So taking these baby steps over time in the aggregate, you’ve got a huge you’ve made a huge impact, but it’s all of those baby steps and you’re not going to go from an interest in dental sleep and leaving a weekend course to doing treating 100 patients a month overnight.
00;23;41;20 – 00;23;54;06
Jason Tierney
You can do that. You can go from attending a weekend course to treating patients, but there’s a whole bunch of baby steps in between and you’ve got to be patient. And to make that happen.
00;23;54;08 – 00;24;20;26
Jonathan Fashbaugh
You’ve got to start somewhere. And I think that’s the toughest piece and then you’ve got to stick with it. I think the last line of your book is Transform Dental Sleep begins with you, and I feel like that’s the piece that doctors just have to hold on to and keep pushing in a couple of weird off the wall questions for you about your book.
00;24;20;29 – 00;24;26;12
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Who did these drawings? It was it you? Was it oh, so when you.
00;24;26;12 – 00;24;43;25
Jason Tierney
Know you had actually a good friend of mine in Saint Louis, Missouri, I’ve known since we were teenagers. His name is Matt Hodel. And Matt Hodel is the owner of Ragtime Tattoo and Jackpot Tattoo Consulting now.
00;24;44;00 – 00;24;44;16
Jonathan Fashbaugh
So Matt.
00;24;44;17 – 00;24;53;04
Jason Tierney
Matt and I gave Matt the concepts of what I what I wanted. And Matt went to town and drew those up.
00;24;53;11 – 00;25;20;01
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I mean, this, this one, you got to put the camera back on me and check this out. But yeah, buy the book and go to page 88 because it’s amazing picture of an iceberg in three dimensions. Just Chuck pulled out a cube of the ocean to show what’s beneath the surface. Good call, Jason, including those diagrams, because I feel like they definitely helped with the pace of the book.
00;25;20;05 – 00;25;35;29
Jonathan Fashbaugh
I was so pissed because I was literally taking notes while reading this book. It was just so packed with ideas. I was pissed because I can’t find the notebook where I wrote down. It’s I think my only.
00;25;36;01 – 00;25;36;12
Jason Tierney
Read it.
00;25;36;12 – 00;25;47;18
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Organic, which is not really a critique, but it’s just reader beware. Jason’s a smart person and he’s got some words in here that I had to look up.
00;25;47;20 – 00;26;17;26
Jason Tierney
All right, so let me. I’ve got an excuse for that. Okay? Okay. I like words. I really like words. I love Scrabble. I like words. I think it’s important that we all expand our vocabulary. So they added the book’s editor. He took out a lot of my $5 words, but I insisted a few of them stay in there because, I mean, when I was a kid and I would ask my parents what a word means, my my mom and dad would always say, Look it up.
00;26;17;28 – 00;26;38;05
Jason Tierney
And I think that so I left a few of those words in there, sort of all that sort of intentionally, intentionally so that people hopefully would look them up. And I know that some people have, because I’ve gotten some texts and emails from dentists for readers, they’re like, I’m going to start using this word now. So I appreciate that it works.
00;26;38;12 – 00;26;59;14
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Oh, no, I loved it. I truly it wasn’t really a critique because I feel like it’s like a good Shelley where, you know, it’s a little spicy but not overdone. And you’ve got things like Doctor Dumb ass in here that show you that you got enough lowbrow to match the you know, if I read dumbass. No. Oh, silly me silly.
00;26;59;15 – 00;27;08;19
Dumass Commercial
Yeah. So am I, your man, mister dumb ass. The name is Dumass.
00;27;09;16 – 00;27;39;18
Jason Tierney
Something really quickly about that, Dr. Dumass. We sent out an email, transformed dental sleep, sent out an email recently promoting the symposium. The subject line was, Don’t be like Dr. Doom, just dumb ass. Don’t be like Doctor, dumb ass. And I got several emails in response from from dentists, and we saw registrations go up significantly. I got all these emails about five or six emails from dentists are like, Oh gosh, this is so funny.
00;27;39;18 – 00;28;02;24
Jason Tierney
I love this. This got my attention, whatever. But I got one from some guy who just says from some dentists who just said, This is really bad marketing. And I sent him an email response. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate you letting me know. You know, we’re always seeking ways to improve. Can you tell me what what can you give us more details and haven’t heard anything back?
00;28;02;26 – 00;28;07;25
Jason Tierney
I didn’t have the guts. I didn’t have the nerve to tell him that his email initially ended up in my spam either.
00;28;07;28 – 00;28;32;11
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Ooh, yeah. They say if you’re not getting any negative feedback, then you’re probably not reaching a lot of people. So congratulations on that. I’m going to stop selling your book now because hopefully everyone’s bought it now. Any questions about the symposium, the book, your your webinars that people you figure they should know but no one ever asks about.
00;28;32;13 – 00;28;52;05
Jason Tierney
Thanks for giving the opportunity to sit and to touch on that. I mentioned this about the symposium, but again, I just want to stress that I have nothing to sell you. I’ve just I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen a lot. I’ve done a lot. And I just want to share with anyone that wants it. I don’t have a service to sell you a subscription.
00;28;52;05 – 00;29;13;20
Jason Tierney
Nothing. I just want to help you. So we try to provide information that will help you help more people. That’s what we do. So you can you can learn more about us at You can learn more about the media You can check out my blog and some of my writings at
00;29;13;20 – 00;29;14;18
Jason Tierney
Dot net.
00;29;14;20 – 00;29;26;19
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Where did you get the idea to sit in hot tub with pug sculptures beside you fully clothed? And it was a great idea because I was like, What? I’ve never seen that before.
00;29;26;23 – 00;29;46;00
Jason Tierney
When I had headshots done, I was having headshots done for the book and I told the photographer that I want to take the photos of House and said, Oh, I’ve got this great student, No, no, I’ve got a cool house. So she came to the house, showed her all the different places I wanted to shoot. She said, Yeah, you do have class.
00;29;46;02 – 00;30;13;20
Jason Tierney
So we were we’re doing the shoot us at the end. I want to take one of me in a suit and tie in the hot tub. And she said, What are you trying to convey with that image? And I said, I pay you to take these pictures. Just take the pictures. All right. So I took the pictures in the hot tub and she ended up saying it was the most fun she’s had on a photo shoot.
00;30;13;20 – 00;30;42;01
Jason Tierney
And I thought the pictures turned out well, but, you know, prior to starting transformed dental sleep about three and a half years ago, I had always been my my professional projection was always very, very buttoned down. And I thought that was something that I needed to do, would represent, you know, different organizations that I worked for. So I was always very staid.
00;30;42;04 – 00;31;05;07
Jason Tierney
And that’s fairly disingenuous because while that’s, you know, an element of my personality, you mentioned low brow earlier, I’ll roll with low brow. But, you know, I appreciate the high brow and the low brow. You know, I’ve got eclectic interest, as most of us do. But, you know, I like a lot of Polish and I also like a lot of grit.
00;31;05;12 – 00;31;20;24
Jason Tierney
You know, I thought that that, you know, that this shirt in the hot tub with the pug statues, which was sort of a representation of, you know, of that, that’s But maybe it was just a funny picture. I don’t know.
00;31;20;26 – 00;31;44;29
Jonathan Fashbaugh
Why not, but. Well, I feel like today it has had some grit and some polish. And yeah, the good chilly elements let us know in the comments if we miss something and you, the listener, the the viewer have some pieces that you’d like us to pick up. Maybe I could probably twist Jason’s arm to coming back at some point.
00;31;45;06 – 00;32;04;04
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And when you do a follow up to maybe handle some of the logistical questions, but honestly, you owe it to yourself, to your patients. Your patients lives to join us in transforming daily sleep progressions is going to be at the symposium, and it is in February. Jason hit us with those details again. You got them in front of you?
00;32;04;07 – 00;32;32;24
Jason Tierney
Yeah, February 2nd and third, 2020 for Scottsdale, Arizona. So Friday, Saturday, Saturday is a half day. So you have the evening the rest of the weekend to go out and enjoy all the the fun, the nightlife, the dining, the the mountains, everything that Scottsdale has to offer, the shopping mall that just February 2nd and third, 20, 24 register learn more at t d s symposium dot com.
00;32;32;26 – 00;32;38;07
Jason Tierney
You got to stuff. Oh.
00;32;38;09 – 00;32;51;13
Jonathan Fashbaugh
And it sounded like a rip one because my chair.
00;32;51;16 – 00;32;57;21
Jason Tierney
00;32;57;23 – 00;32;59;13
Jonathan Fashbaugh